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TRANSCRIPT | Sun, August 2, 2020 | Five Ways to Win in Life


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Amen. How's everybody doing today? You good? Well, you look good. Amen. Somebody needs to tell you that every once in a while, right? Whether it's true or not. Amen.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

It's so good to see you on a Sunday morning. You guys surviving in all this? Yeah. Three of you? Well, we're going to have prayer at the end. It's just something isn't it? It's a unique season.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

But I've been changing my prayer this week. I don't know if it'll last into next week, but it's this week. All right? I've been praying, "God, let me move from surviving to thriving." I don't want to just feel like I'm in survival mode. I believe that our God is greater than anything the enemy can throw at us, that we are the head and not the tail. God's for us. It doesn't matter who or what's against us, and you either to believe it or you don't.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

I'm actually today, I am going to speak on the subject of spiritual warfare. It's unique for me, seems like every time that I really lean into that subject, that I have a sleepless night. It's almost as though the enemy doesn't want those things to be talked about.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

A really unique moment, we were actually late getting here this morning and I felt like we had allowed ourselves plenty of time. On the way here we got behind a convoy of soldiers, and they drove about 35 to 45 miles an hour all the way from Columbia to Campbellsville. They didn't care what was behind them. It was like, we own this road at the moment and I dare you to mess with us. Hunter was driving and he wasn't about to mess with them. I could sense the timidity, and he is not going to try to go around these guys. It was unique, to see this big bus load of soldiers and Hummers following behind them. The way it was worded on the signs that were on the Hummers, it said, convoy ahead.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

I found myself just silent, silently praying, "Lord, let a convoy of your people, soldiers who are called for such a time as this, begin to mobilize and position themselves across South Central Kentucky and beyond because families are worth fighting for. Your church is worth fighting for. Where you stand in God and what you believe is worth fighting for."


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

So it's become a trend lately, I'd like to start with reading three or four verses, and then with the help of the Holy Spirit maybe you'll see how that by dropping an anchor in these places we just find a place to anchor ourselves as we evaluate what God might be saying to us today. I want to show you this, Second Thessalonians, chapter number 1, it says, "Now dear brothers and sisters, let us clarify some things about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and how we will be gathered together meet him. Don't be so easily shaken or alarmed by those who say that the Day of the Lord has already begun. Don't believe them. Even if they do claim to have had a spiritual vision, a revelation or a letter supposedly from us."


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Now this was being written 2000 years ago, and what Paul is trying to explain to them, it's not happening in that moment but it's going to happen later, perhaps in the moment in which we live. Verse number three, "Don't be fooled by what they say, for that day will not come until there is a great rebellion." Some translations interpret that statement as a great falling away from God. "Then a man of lawlessness," if you've heard out around church circles or even if you're new to church, a man of lawlessness in the New Testament is referenced in the book of Daniel and in the Book of Revelation as a figure that will arise in the end times that will be known as the anti-Christ from a theological perspective. He'll be revealed and he will bring destruction.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Thing I want you to really notice in this passage is it says don't be fooled by what they say, that at some point before the end comes there's going to be some type of a falling away, some kind of a mass rebellion against God. I don't claim to have all of the theological answers on that this morning, I just want to read the text and we'll see what God does with it in your heart.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Second Timothy, Chapter 4, Verse number 3, "For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and they will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and they will chase after myths."


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Can you handle a couple more? Acts Chapter 20, Verse number 28. It says, "So guard yourselves and God's people. Feed and shepherd God's flock. His church was purchased by his blood, over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you as elders. I know that false teachers like vicious wolves will come in among you after I leave and they will not spare the flock. Even some men will rise up from your own group and distort the truth in order to draw a following."


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

One more passage of text, First John, Chapter 4, Verse 1, "Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God for there are many false prophets, false teachers."


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

So what you see unfolding before us in those passages of text is that there's a picture being given of what the last days may very well look like, in that in some way there's going to be those who will rebel against God, perhaps even fall away in their relationship with God. One of the reasons that that will happen is because people will desire to hear things that appeals to their flesh. They'll desire to hear things that makes them feel good about themselves maybe rather than acknowledging there's some things that God wants to change or transform in their lives.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

That third passage that we read speaks to shepherds and elders and says you have to be a part of trying to make sure that your people never fall prey to that, because the enemy is going to try to steal, to kill and to destroy. So there's an obligation on all of us, according to First John, that when someone speaks or when someone says that they're declaring the word, we have to test the spirit to know if they are of God or not of God. Everybody on the same page with me?


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

All right, let's pray. Father, I thank you for the ability to deliver the word this morning. It's a high calling. It's a privilege, and God I don't take it lightly. I just pray, Lord, whether someone's in this room or God whether they're in their own room or at home today, that Lord you would visit us, that your Holy Spirit would empower us, and that God, you would do things in us and through us that coincidence would never be able to take the credit for. Let it be done in Jesus name, and the church said, amen.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

I've discovered that when you start talking about the Book of Revelation, there's a lot of people that it seems like they almost just begin to immediately check out because it's like, "Oh, that's beyond my ability to understand. I'll never be able to comprehend all of that."


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

So what they actually do is I think they distanced themselves from some truth that could really help them when they're going through attacks. Because the bottom line of the Book of Revelation is that when you read the back of the book, somebody help me, we win. When you read the back of the book, we win.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Now God didn't say there wouldn't be a struggle. He didn't say they wouldn't be a challenge. He didn't say they wouldn't be a fight. He just gives us the understanding that at the end we win.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Now I believe that the Book of Revelation can be made as simple as seven things of seven. A few Wednesday nights ago I actually did a teaching on that. You can go to the church's YouTube Channel and pick that up and watch it if you'd like to, to gain a further insight.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

But one of the most climatic moments in the Book of Revelation happens roundabout Revelation Chapter 13, and what it starts to talk about is that there's going to be two beasts that will arise. It is figurative in nature. It talks about the fact that they will be a beast of the sea, and then there will be a beast of the land.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

The beast of sea is actually the anti-Christ, and what will happen is he will arise leading some type of a union of ten governments on the earth. He's going to be an incredible politician. He's going to be an incredible humanitarian and people are going to begin to follow him because of all of these things that appear to be incredible that he does in the earth.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Then it talks about a beast of the land, and what that is, is actually a false prophet. He will arise and he will begin to do signs and wonders. He'll do things that's just going to literally blow people's minds and they will begin to follow whatever he says as truth, because they are so confounded by the miracles that he is performing.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

What ultimately starts to happen is this lead government official begins to align himself with this lead religious official. There are two systems. There's a government system and a religious system, and when it says beast, that's probably what it's talking about is the systems, the systems. There will be a governmental system and there will be a religious system, and those two systems will begin to come together. What will happen is that this anti-Christ will declare these things and then this false prophet will say that they are right and say that they are true and he'll perform miracles so that both of them are ultimately believed.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Now probably at some point in your life you've heard things said about a mark of the beast. The mark of the beast is referenced in the Book of Revelation, and we're told that that mark of the beast will be associated with the number 666. Now many scholars, many theologians, do not believe that there's going to be an actual numerical figure of 666, but that just like so many other things in the Book of Revelation are figurative, so that number may also be figurative.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

It's interesting that six is the number of man. Some believe that there's going to maybe be three numbers of man that will be associated with all buying and selling that you do, and according to scripture, in order for that buying and selling to take place, you're going to have to have that mark or these numbers of men in your life in one of two ways, maybe both, on your forehand and in your forehead, on your forehand and in your forehead. In order to buy or to sell, to get anything that you want to go to the marketplace and get, you will have to present that you have the Mark in order to buy and to sell.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Now when you start thinking about all of this and how the enemy is going to use a governmental system and how the enemy is going to use a religious system and how that it all begins to really intensify when there is something required in order to buy and to sell, you start thinking about some of the things that we're through today. I don't think that we're in Revelation Chapter 13. I have no idea how close we are to it. But I believe in some ways maybe what the enemy's doing is running a little bit of a test run, if you will, and trying to figure out how is it that you can get people to conform? How is it that you can get people to just fall into line and do whatever it takes in order for the enemy to ultimately steal, kill and destroy?


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Because here's what you have to realize, is that at the end of the day, we are in a war and there has been a war since the beginning of time. When Adam and Eve showed up in the garden, a war was already started. It was started in heaven and Satan was trying to take God's throne. When God won in heaven, Satan came to earth and then he starts trying to take the thing that God loved the most, humanity, Adam and Eve, away from their allegiance to God. He didn't want them walking with God in the cool of the day. He didn't want them in a relationship with God. He wanted to steal them away, take them away. So from the beginning of time, we have been in a war.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

What I want to talk to you about today is how to make sure that you win your war. How that we can make sure that we win the war in our life in Jesus name. Can I get a witness from somebody if you want to be on the winning side?


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

So when we're talking about Revelation 13 and how the end of time is going to unfold, and we start to realize that we're in a war, here's the thing you've got to realize. Everything is shaping up for the Christ to go against the anti-Christ. That's what everything is shaping up for.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

While we're in this war, I think what we have to realize is that there is an unseen realm. So many people just casually navigate life and just meander around. It's almost as though they don't recognize that there is an unseen realm. The Bible talks about this unseen realm.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

I want you to look with me at the Book of Ephesians, and I want you to see with me Chapter number 6, and look at this Verse number 12. It says, "We are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the," say it with me, "Unseen world." Say it again, the unseen world. And there, there are mighty powers in the dark world, and there are even evil spirits that are hanging out in heavenly places.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

I heard one guy say it this way and I thought it was really good. He said, "Spiritual warfare is like gravity. It exists whether you want to believe it or not." The reason some of us are getting our tails kicked in our spiritual lives and we don't feel like we're winning and we feel like that we're losing battle after battle is because we've not acknowledged that there is an unseen realm.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Heard the story of a boxer who was in a boxing match. He's about five rounds in, and he's just getting beaten and bruised and bloodied. Finally, the referee has him stand for a standing eight count. While he's trying to make it through the standing eight count, he looked over at his manager and he said, "Throw in the towel." He said, "What are you talking about? The guy's barely hitting you." He said, "Then somebody better stop the referee because somebody's hitting me."


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Some of us are in that battle where we're getting hit and hit and hit and hit. I think maybe we don't recognize there's something going on in the unseen realm, whether we want to choose to recognize it or not.

Pastor Eric Gilbert:

You see, one of the issues that happens in a lot of our lives, and I think it's something early on in my walk with God, I actually wrestled with as well and maybe I still do. But I think sometimes we don't understand the importance of categorical thinking. You see, all throughout scripture, all throughout scripture, everything is put into one of two categories. You see, in scripture everything is on one side or the other.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

For instance, Satan, God, demons, angels, sin, holiness, lies, truth, wolves, shepherds, Christians, non-Christians, damnation, salvation, hell, heaven. Everything's dualistic. It's either one side or the other. But the world doesn't care for that. The world really likes to live in the gray area.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

So what happens with the world is instead of Satan and God, you just have a higher power. Instead of demons and angels, we just have spirits or ghosts. Instead of sin and holiness, we just have a lifestyle choice. Instead of lies and absolute truth, we just have your truth and my truth. Instead of wolves and shepherds, you just have spiritual guides. Instead of damnation and salvation, you just have whatever works for you. Instead of heaven or hell, everybody just goes to a better place after they die.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

I think we have to recognize that what the world does is it muddies things. It makes things dimmer. It makes things less clear. Here's how, the enemy is the author of confusion and he doesn't want you to get it straight that you're either on one side or the other. He wants you to live in that gray area, where the enemy just keeps winning and winning and winning because you don't see the unseen battle.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

The way that one student of the word put it is that really what happens is God creates and then the enemy corrupts. So God created worship then the enemy corrupted. That's how we got this whole thing to start with.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

But let's just go through it for a minute. God creates, Satan corrupts. God has angels, so the enemy's got to corrupt that by getting some demons who will fall away from their allegiance to God. God has obedience, so the enemy invents rebellion, God has truth, so the enemy invents lies. God has a spirit-filled opportunity, so the enemy creates demon possession. God has humility, the enemy creates pride. God has forgiveness, the enemy creates bitterness. God has worship, the enemy creates idolatry. God has contentment, the enemy creates covetousness. God has peace, the enemy creates fear. God has unity, the enemy creates division. God has covenant with him, the enemy creates vow to self. God has Holy Spirit, the enemy has flesh. God has freedom, the enemy has slavery.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

So what happens is when we're not aware of that unseen world, the enemy is just constantly trying to pull us to his side, not realizing sometimes that when we're living in the gray, the enemy is already winning. If I could get just a little bit of help on a Sunday morning, I'll try to give you just a little more. Because I really do ... I've said this from the very beginning of everything that we're going through right now.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

I was in prayer one day and I really felt like the Lord downloaded to me that this is the season of the shepherd. As I continue to read scripture, I realized that you're either shepherding or wolves are eating. I think when you start to think about the fact that the enemy wants to get you blind to this unseen world and wants to get you to live in this gray area, he wants to get you vulnerable. He wants to get you to that place where he's not just stealing, but he is killing and he is ultimately destroying.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

He's not just interested in taking you out, he wants to take your kids out and he don't just want to take your kids out, he wants to take your grandkids and your great grandkids out. He's after your entire family tree. So you've got to realize, wait a second, there is something worth fighting for, and if you can't think of anything else, and how about you fight for your family? You begin to recognize, I am going to win in life, win in life.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Here's the thing. How do you win? Well the first thing you got to do is you got to recognize there is a war. Hopefully we've established that point already, but I'm going to show you again, Ephesians Chapter 6, verse number 12. "We are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies." Your enemy's not named Beulah and he's not named Freddy. You are wrestling against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world. Just help me preach for a minute.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Look at somebody and tell them, "Recognize there is a war. Recognize there is a war." Now, now that you've recognized there is a war, what do you do next? Well I think that there's a great answer for us in James Chapter 4, Verse 7. He's talking about battle. He's talking about warfare, and what he says is, "So humble yourselves before God." Submit to God.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Okay, there's a war. There's a war, and there's going to be a winner and there's going to be a loser and you are not going to be able to just stand in the middle and hope it all works out okay. There's a winner and there's a loser. Well we read the back of the book, and we determined who the winner is, amen?


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

So I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do, I'm going to hookup with the winner. I'm going to hook up with the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conqueror of all things, to which even the enemy is nothing more than a footstool to him. Hook up with the winner.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

So start by submitting yourself to God. Okay, I'm going to humble myself before God. I'm going to admit I can't win this thing without God. I am submitting to God. Well, now what?


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Well in Ephesians Chapter 6, we learn that what we should do is that we should ... Matter of fact, we can read it. Ephesians Chapter number 6, Verse number 10. "Be strong in the Lord and his mighty power." Read it with me. "Put on," man, y'all got really quiet there for a minute, for a second. Y'all still with me? All right. Somebody at home say it because we need help in the auditorium.

Pastor Eric Gilbert:

All right, y'all ready? "Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against the strategies of the devil." The enemy is not just messing around. He has a strategy, and as he is trying to unfold that strategy and you've chosen, "Okay, there's a winning side. I'm going to submit myself to the winning side. I'm getting on the winning side. I'm putting on the winning team's jersey. I'm going to be on the winning side."


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Now that I'm here, he says to me, "You better fight soldier. So get your armor. Put on the whole armor of God, and scripture says it's this, "It's a helmet of salvation. It's a breastplate of righteousness. Your loins are girt with truth. Your feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel. In one hand, there is a shield of faith. In the other there is the sword of the spirit."


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

If you noticed in Ephesians Chapter 6, it was not a suggestion. It was a command. Maybe it should become a part of our lives where we really think about, "Okay, there's a war. I want to be on the winning side. I'm told that as I submit myself to God, I need to put on the armor."


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Well what's the armor? Learn that armor. Pray that armor over your life. Every day when you get up, pray over your kid, that he's going to have the helmet of salvation, that she's going to have the breastplate of righteousness, that their loins are going to be girt with the truth. They're going to have their feet shod with the preparation of the gospel. They're going to carry that shield of faith and the enemy is not going to be able to come against them and win with his fiery darts. They're going to have the sword of the spirit. They're going to be able to quote scriptures coming and going. They'll understand their doctrine and what they believe so they'll not fall away when somebody tells them what they shouldn't believe. I don't know who I'm trying to help.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Here's the thing, put on the whole armor of God. I'll just give you one little thing about the armor. I love this thing. There's different types of armor in the Roman military in the time in which that Paul was writing this to the church at emphasis, and he chose to point out a specific shield. See one shield was this little round thing that they would hold and they would go into battle. He didn't use the term for that one.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

He used the Greek word that described a shield that was quite large, almost as tall as the man from head to toe, and it was quite wide as well. What would happen is the soldiers would come out and they would stand side by side and those shields would touch and they would form a wall that was in penetrable by the enemy. The enemy would start shooting darts at them. Many times they would be fiery darts. But those shields were either made out of metal or they were leather that was soaked in water, and what would happen when the fiery darts would come, they would either just fall off or the fire would instantly stop. Sometimes those shields would be aligned in the Roman army over a mile wide.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

That's what God wants you in community. That's why God associates you in your relationship with him with other believers. It's because we get to walk into the battle shield to shield, and it forms something that the enemy is not able to penetrate if we just keep the faith. So put on the armor of God.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

First you got to recognize there is a war. Amen? Second, you got to submit yourself to God. Get on the winning side. If you've never given your life to God, there's no greater time than right now, right here. Don't even wait till the end of this sermon for an altar call. Start right where you're at and just give your life to God right now, right now. Don't you wait another second. Just start crying out to God, submit to God.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

The third thing, you got to put on the armor. Now that you've put on the armor, the fourth thing is also found in James Chapter 4, Verse number 7. What it says to us is that you must submit yourself to God, humble yourself before God. Then what happens? Resist the devil. It does not say ignore the devil.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

There is a difference between ignoring the devil and resisting the devil. When you set up a resistance, what you are doing is you are saying ... Just think about it for a minute. You're in your house. You're asleep at night. All of a sudden you hear the windows rattling. You hear the doors shaking. You hear that things are going wrong outside of your home. Somebody is outside trying to get inside.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Are you going to just lay there in LaLa Land and be like, "Oh, it'll be all right." No, you're going to get up and you're going to form a resistance to let that enemy know you're not coming through this door. There's something waiting for you on the other side of this door.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

I heard a story about them boys from Duck Dynasty and Phil that one night they was in a little motel and they were traveling from one place to the other. This dude started to just break into their hotel room. As he broke into the hotel room, there sat Phil, halfway disrobed and holding a big 12 gauge shotgun. He looked at the dude and he said, "Wrong room."


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Some of y'all got to let the enemy know wrong room, wrong room. I'm not going to ignore you devil. If I got to pray all night I'm coming after you. I'm not going to ignore you devil. If I've got to tape scriptures all over my mirror and all over my dash sport just to remind me to speak life over, I'm going to do whatever it takes to win in this life because there's a life greater that is ahead.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

So submit to God. Y'all still with me? What are we going to do? We're going to submit to God. Y'all have already forgot. What's the second one? No, that's not the second one. Oh, Lord. Help me Jesus. You got to recognize there's a war. You got to submit to God. Then put on the armor, and then we're going to resist the devil. Y'all are slow but you are worth waiting on. I believe it. There is a convoy that is mobilizing. I believe it in Jesus' name in Jesus' name.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Here's the last thing I want to say to you, and I'll invite them to come and begin to play some music. The fifth thing, if you're going to win in the war is you've got to make the decision to bring heaven down. Bring heaven down.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Notice this, these disciples been following Jesus around and they don't know how to pray, and they asked Jesus, "Could you teach us how to pray?" This is one of the things that he teaches them. He said, "When you pray, you should say, Lord, let your kingdom come. Let your will be done in earth as it is in heaven."


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

We sometimes see somebody battling an addiction and we think, "I got to pull them up. I got to get them out of that." I don't know that that's all bad, but maybe a better theological understanding is the best thing I could do is bring heaven to them, to bring heaven down. When heaven comes down, they come up by default. Because when heaven comes down, there is deliverance. There is freedom. There is healing. There is salvation. If those things are not made manifest, you're living in the gray or you're settling for hell. At some point you've got to decide I'm going to bring heaven down.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

You bring heaven down, I believe, first by asking for it. Pray for that. Lord, let your kingdom come in my life. Lord let your kingdom come through my business. Let your kingdom come through the positions that you've given me and the authority that has been bestowed upon me. God, let your kingdom come. Let your will be done in my life.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

You start to really look at things categorically. It's either right or it's wrong. It's either sin or it's holiness. It's either God or it's the devil. It's either light or it's dark.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

You start to make some decisions about your life that where I go, because the King sits on the throne of my heart I get to bring his kingdom with me. You approach some things different. You love people better. You're more willing to forgive. You don't just look at somebody like, "Oh."


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

That's been one of the hardest things, just transparent, one of the hardest things I've wrassled with in this whole deal. I understand it, parts of it I understand it. But the Bible says we should lay hands on the sick and the sick will recover.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

The enemy has us at a place right now where I don't even know what to make of all of that. I'm just telling you there's a devil and he's loose. I don't want to lose. How about you?


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

Father, I ask you in the name of Jesus, that Father there would be an awakening on the inside of us. That Lord anything that we'd hate to see that we've been blind to, we ask you to show it to us and not, God, so that we're just going to run around and see a bunch of eerie kooky stuff. But Father, that there would be an awareness, an awareness, God bring an awareness to our life and that above all else and awareness of your presence and your glory and the angels that are encamped round about us to war on our behalf and minister to us.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

God, I pray that this church and churches all across the world and I even pray, God, for lost people, that they would recognize there is a war and that in that we would make that next decision of submit to God, to humble ourselves before you God.


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

If anybody under the sound of my voice, whether they're home or they're in an auditorium today, if they need to submit to you, I ask you God right now, "Lord, give them the courage to throw a hand up and say, Lord, I need to surrender. I need to humble myself. I need to ask you to forgive me of my sins. I need to make you the Lord of my life. God, I don't just need to invite you into my heart. I need to give you my whole heart and God right now, I give you my life. I submit everything I have to you, every resource that I have. I submit my mind. I submit my heart. I submit my family. I submit my influence. God, I submit it all to you right here, right now."


Pastor Eric Gilbert:

God, I pray that if we need cleansing from sin, that your blood would just begin to wash away all the mess, all of the mistakes and that Lord, in this moment, we would find ourselves just being adorned with your armor, and that God, the convoy would start moving, that the soldiers would start arising and that Lord, we would resist the devil. As we bring heaven down. Bring some air raids through our home, Lord, spiritually speaking, to places where we just need some Holy Ghost power dropped and deposited. Lord, do it, here and now in Jesus' name. This church said, amen.

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