Wednesday, September 24, 2020
Wednesday, September 24, 2020
Wednesday, September 24, 2020
TRANSCRIPTION | Sunday, May 1, 2022 | JESUS Series | Condition or Tradition?
Pastor Eric Gilbert
And you can't go wrong talking about Jesus because everyone needs Jesus. And I know that you are in agreement with me that we are not here today in the name of a church. We are not here in the name of a preacher. We're not here in the name of an organization. We are here in the name of Jesus.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
That's why we've gathered together to celebrate him and what he's done for us and is going to do for us. And as a result of that, we have a scriptural promise. If any two or three would gather together in the name of Jesus, he will be in the midst. And so we believe that Heaven is in this room with us.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
And that means that anything is possible. Anything could happen in regards to bringing change and power and grace to your life. And so I've got a message that I just really feel led to the Lord to to share with you as I was praying about our time together this morning. Felt like the Lord just kept highlighting this passage of text.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
So I'm going to read it. Luke Chapter 13, verse number ten. Now, Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath. And behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity for 18 years, and she was bent over and could in no way raise herself up. So some significant things, their spirit of infirmity, 18 years bent over could not raise herself up.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
But when Jesus saw her, he called her to him and said to her, woman, you are loosed from your infirmity. And he laid his hands on her and immediately she was made straight and glorified God. But the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath. And so he said to the crowd, There are six days when men ought to work, therefore come and be healed on them, not on the Sabbath day.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
We'll talk a little bit in the message about why the Sabbath was viewed in what would seem to be such an odd way. Verse 15, the Lord then answered and said to him, You hypocrite, does not each one of you on the Sabbath lose his ox or his donkey from the stall and lead it away to water? So ought not this woman being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has bound?
Pastor Eric Gilbert
Think of it for 18 years. She has been bound. Should she not also be loosed on the Sabbath? And when Jesus had said these things, all of his adversaries were put to shame, and the multitude rejoiced for all the glorious things that were done by him. We're going to talk a little about a little bit about this this morning about tradition versus condition.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
Father helped me to preach, helped me to teach me to share your word. Give me a special grace, an unction and an anointing for this moment. In Jesus name, the church said Amen. We talked last week about how that Jesus, when he started his preaching ministry first, was led away by the Holy Spirit into a wilderness environment. And while Jesus was in that wilderness environment, he stayed there for 40 days.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
He prayed and he fasted. He overcame every category of sin According to Scripture, the lust, the the lust of the flesh and the pride of life conquered all three of them. And then when he came out of the wilderness, continuing to be led by the Holy Spirit and being full of the Holy Spirit, he started going to synagogues and teaching and preaching.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
One of the first stops that he made was at a town called Nazareth, which was actually his hometown. So just a little bit of background here in case maybe we're not all at the same place of understanding scripture. The Jewish people had two places where they would gather under their religion. One place was the temple, and there was only one of those.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
It was in Jerusalem. That's where they went to offer a form of worship in regards to sacrifice. But then there were synagogues. And when you read in the New Testament about a synagogue those were all over the place in the nation of Israel. In fact, just about every major community had a synagogue, and it was an auditorium. And it is a place where the people would come and they would receive the preaching and the teaching of God's word.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
Now, in that timeframe, it would have been what you today call the Old Testament, and it would not have been in a book format. It would have been in a scroll format. And so, Jesus, when he is traveling to these synagogues, we learned last week he goes to Nazareth and he does something spectacular. In fact, it caused quite a stir.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
He went into the synagogue. He asked the attendant, which was someone who kept up with the scrolls and made sure they were in good condition for the book of Isaiah. They bring the book of Isaiah to him. So here's why this is important. You may have read in scripture about the law and the prophets. Well, what we call the Old Testament, they would have called a section of that the law and the prophets.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
And so on this particular day, what Jesus is saying is that he wants to read from the prophets. Isaiah was one of the prophets, and Isaiah prophesied primarily about the coming Messiah. That's just a big word for the Son of God was going to come to the Earth at an appointed time. And Isaiah spent a lot of his writing, offering predictions of what it would look like when the Son of God came.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
So Jesus turns to a specific text that is known to be about the Messiah. We know it today is Isaiah Chapter 61 versus one through four And it says that Jesus read it. And here's what he said. The Spirit of the Lord, verse 18 of Luke four is upon me because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind. To set at liberty all those who are oppressed and proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. Verse 21. After he sits down, he says, Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing. And the place went nuts because Jesus was effectively saying that He was the Messiah, that he really was the Son of God.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
They got so mad. They took Jesus out and they tried to throw him over a cliff and and end his life. They couldn't do it because it was not yet his appointed time, and he was not yet ready to give himself over to the cross. He was still going to preach and teach for three and a half more years.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
Now it's in this moment when Jesus makes this statement. We talked about this last week that he is revealing his mission statement. In other words, what Jesus is saying is that his mission in the Earth is to do what the Messiah is supposed to do. Preach the good news, the gospel to heal broken hearted people, to proclaim liberty to captives, to recover spiritual and physical sight to people who are blind.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
And Jesus starts going synagogue to synagogue, laying this out for his audiences and making it plain and clear what the Son of God is supposed to do in the Earth. And Jesus wasn't just talking about it. He was actually doing it. In fact, John the Baptist was imprisoned because of his association with Jesus and preaching that Jesus is the Messiah and they're getting ready to end.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
John, the Baptist life. And so John the Baptist sends one of his disciples to ask Jesus, Are you the one or should we look for another? And then Jesus quotes Isaiah 61 and says, The lame are walking. The blind are recovering their sight. The good news is being preached. We're proclaiming liberty to the captives So, yes, I am the one.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
And even though it doesn't feel like it to you right now, and even though you don't understand everything you're experiencing, I am the one because I'm doing what I said I would do. Now, most of the time, the way we see this unfold is Jesus would go to a synagogue, he would open up a scroll and he would teach and then after he had taught and he had preached, he would go out into like the neighboring area or the community, maybe even to somebody's house.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
And there he would start healing people and setting people free. But what we read about today in Luke Chapter 13 is where Jesus is actually in a synagogue, and he starts healing people inside the synagogue. It's important because it says a lot to us and we're going to break it down. But one of the things I want you to see is the first thing that Jesus points out when he calls for this woman who is wrestling with infirmity He points out that what she's got going on is from the devil, that she is under the attack of the enemy.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
Can I help you understand this morning that you also have an enemy and that in 2000 years nothing has changed about the devil. He still intends to steal, to kill and to destroy And Ephesians chapter six helps us to understand that even when you feel like you're wrestling against flesh and blood, you're actually wrestling against principalities and powers of the air and spiritual wickedness in high places.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
And so we have an enemy, the devil. And the devil has on his side certain spirits. You might refer to them as demons. And they are used by the devil to attack people. And one of the ways that the attack comes is they'll still so that they can kill. So ultimately they can destroy. But another way it happens is the enemy will try to depress you.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
So that he can oppress you. So that he can ultimately possess you. And so if you don't deal with it when he tries to depress you, he'll take it to the next level and he'll try to oppress you because ultimately he wants to possess your life so that he can bring utter destruction to everything that surrounds you. And so what Jesus is is doing here is he's teaching.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
He's preaching in the synagogue, and he stops and he draws attention to this woman. And maybe he has her stand up. What we know is that this woman has been dealing with infirmity for eight teen years. You ought to tell somebody that's a long time Eight teen years she's been dealing with infirmity. But Jesus specifies she's not just dealing with infirmity.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
She is dealing with a spirit of infirmity. In other words, there is a demonic attack sent by the devil called infirmity to attack her. Now, when you when you think through that and you begin to try to process what's being said, what is a spirit of infirmity? Well, the first thing we got to do is talk about what is an infirmity.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
We don't use that word a lot today. And by its purest definition, it simply means feeble, weak, personal, failing, physical or mental weakness. Or handicap. So so when you say infirmity, what's being said here is that this woman is feeble. This woman is weak. This woman is dealing with some kind of physical, maybe even mental weakness or potentially a handicap.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
And it's not just feeble. Or weak that she's fighting. It's the spirit that brought it, that she's fighting. And so Jesus is pointing out that this woman is under the attack of a spirit. And this spirit has been attacking her for eight teen years. And it's had such an effect on her that the way scripture describes her is it says that she is bent over That describes oppression.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
When you read the commentaries on this text and I looked at eight or ten this week, it none of them imply for the most part that this woman was possessed by the devil. What it implies is that she was oppressed by the devil. And what that means is that the enemy was pressing on her to the point that it had bent her over.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
Have you ever had the enemy just start pressing on you? Some of you have, whether you realize it or not, because right now bitterness is pressing on you and it's been pressing on you for so long, you can't remember the last time you had joy or you had happiness or you were glad about anything because the enemy's been sitting on your shoulder telling you what's wrong with anybody and everybody for so long that you are bent over others of you.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
You know what it is to be bent over by a spirit that brings infirmity, because addictions have been sitting on your back for a really, really long time, and it has bent you over and it just keeps pressing you down further and further and further. And you're down on yourself and you're down on everybody else and you're down on God and you're down on life and you're not even sure if you want to live anymore because it's pressing on you and it's bending you over.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
It's the way the enemy works. He he starts pressing on you. He he'll, he'll he'll bring sickness to your life and and try to press on you and you don't understand the doctor's report, and you don't understand while you're wrestling with what you're wrestling with. You don't understand why the infirmity hasn't went away yet. And it just keeps bending you over a little further and a little further.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
Every time you go to the doctor, you get a little bit lower because you just feel that thing weighing on you and bending you are making sense to anybody. I mean, the enemy will bend you over There's something about this lady she hadn't been able to overcome the enemy pressing on her but she also realized there's a difference between the enemy pressing on you and the enemy pressing you out.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
Yeah, because as feeble and as weak and as pressed down and it's been over as she might have been every week, she got her stuff together and she made her way out of her house, down the pathway, back to the place where they talked about the word of God. And for eight teen years, the enemy had been pressing her on her, but he couldn't press her out.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
She just kept showing up week after week. After week. Then she might have been weary and she might have been in pain, and some days it might have been more challenging than others. But she just kept finding her place She kept finding her seat. She kept finding her assignment, understanding he might be riding. On my back, but I'm not going to give up. I'm not going to give out and I'm not going to give in. I'm going to the.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
Place where they talk about the Word of God because this could be the day. I said this could be the day. This could be the day.I got to get to the point. And I'm I'm being.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
Have you ever just been bent over by the enemy? Have you ever been oppressed by the enemy where the enemy just tries to tell you? Why do you even try anymore? Why don't you just give up on this whole God thing? Why don't you just in your life, people smile at the funeral. But this lady, she just said, you can press hold me, but she will not press me out.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
I still believe if I can make myself available to the word of God, this could be the day This is somebody. This could be the day I the lady. She she gets healed. And we're going to talk about it in a minute and in greater detail. But this is what's crazy about it. I mean, Jesus fixes her problem, and the people that are surrounding her get upset because they were more concerned about their tradition than her condition.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
And you might be amazed at how easy it is for tradition to blind you to other people's condition. Who happens with this? This lady is after Jesus does what he does for her. The Pharisees stand up and they start to say, you can't do that. On the Sabbath day. God doesn't work on the Sabbath day.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
The Sabbath day is the day that is meant Forrest can't do that on the Sabbath day. The Jewish people take the Sabbath day, especially in the Orthodox sectors. So literally the day they won't light a fire. They won't cook food. They won't even untie a knot. But Jesus found a discrepancy. And he points out that one of the things that they were known to do is this.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
They had a donkey or they had an ox. They would go into the barn or the stable. And even on the Sabbath day, they would untie the knot and lead them to drink water And Jesus is pointing out, isn't it something to think that you are more concerned about an animal than you are a person? And that if it.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
I'm telling you, like a preacher out there can I just parenthetically insert something? How is it that we can be worried about a whale and a whooping crane and murder? 70 million babies.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
Just three parenthetical insults. Sure. Just how how.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
Protect the whale and protect the whooping crane. But can we please spare our children I'm not I don't I don't understand how tradition does what it does. But I'm telling you, it'll blind you to where you can't even see what somebody's condition is because they infringed upon your tradition. Heard the story of a young man and came into a church and sat down on the second row, and he began to worship the Lord and to back there was an elder lady who was in charge of the women's ministry.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
And she she noticed this young man and he was wearing a cap it bothered her. It was against her tradition. So she went down and she spoke to him as they were entering into the third verse and explained, Sir, I feel like this is inappropriate. I, I feel like maybe you should take your hat off. And the young man just smiled and continued to hum along with the verses.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
She went back and she started to get really frustrated and she decided to go and find the head usher and she explained to him how inappropriate it was that that young man would be wearing that hat during the worship service. And so the young head usher comes down because now he's frustrated and he explains that it is their tradition that he would need to take this off.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
It's inappropriate. Young man, just smiles and keeps hung in the home, in the songs of worship. The guy goes back to his seat and the head usher. The more he thinks about it, the hotter he gets And so he decides he's going to have a talk with the senior pastor about it. And right about there, I can tell you some stories and the thing he lets the senior pastor know, Billy's upset and Freddie's upset and something's got to be done.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
And so now the senior pastor is thinking about and he's a little aggravated so he goes over and explains the young man, sir, you're going to need to take off your cap. And it would seem to me that it's inappropriate. It's against our tradition. And the young man explained, knowing that he was now talking to the senior pastor.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
Well, I actually have stitches across the top of my head. And I had or the cap to try to cover the issue. But I've been coming here for three years and I've never met anybody. But today, before the song service was over, I've met the head of the women's ministry, the head of the ushers and the senior pastor just oh, I'm just here to be a blessing. I don't let your tradition blind you to someone's condition. And can I just make a motion that we will never become that church. It's not who we are.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
If some people occasionally I'm about some people occasionally will say we all just change things to be changing it. Yes. Yes, we do. And here's why. Because we can't afford to get stuck. And sometimes you got to keep moving things around just so it doesn't become familiar and you can't. Does that make sense to you? Because we can never become the church that doesn't see or is blind to the conditions of our community.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
We the message of God will never change, but his message will never cease to change. Sometimes your fish on this side of the boat for nights on end, and he'll show up and explain to you the reason you stopped catching something is because you got to get yourself to the other side of the boat and he'll require you to do it.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
Just to test how obedient you are. And if you will sacrifice your tradition of doing it to meet the condition of mankind. I need somebody who understands the power of God to give Him praise for just a minute.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
This woman is bent over. This woman is oppress but she's dealing with a spirit that makes her feeble, that makes her weak, that bends her over. But week after week after week, she put herself in a place where she could hear the word of God because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. And it might have been a struggle and it might have been a fight but she made sure I got to get back to the place where they decree and declare the word of God.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
And this is where it gets interesting because every single time, just about every time you see somebody get a miracle in the New Testament and Jesus is involved, something radical is taking place Blind Bart of mice, he finds out Jesus is passing by and he's like, Jesus, Jesus, have mercy on me. Make such a spectacle that people try to get him to sit down and be quiet.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
There's other instances, Zacchaeus. He wants an experience with God so much that he climbs a tree to put his religious zeal on display. This is a woman with an issue of blood. She fights through the press, grabs hold of the helm of the garment. It's it's it's it's expressive. It's demonstrative. It's aggressive. This woman didn't do any of that.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
She just kept showing up at the place where they talked about the word of God. I'm telling you, sometimes all you got to do is put yourself in position. And it might not have happened yesterday, and it may not happen today, but it very well could happen tomorrow. And who knows? Today actually could be the day. Somebody needs to understand that Jesus has a way of seeing consistency and persistence and determination.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
And sometimes that is the expression of your faith, is that when anybody else would have stayed home, you showed up again. When anybody else would have come up with every excuse to say, I'm never going back, you showed up again. When somebody else would have said, I don't have to put up with all this. You showed up again.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
And that is the expression of your faith. He looks out and he says, Jesus saw her. I just feel like God wants somebody to know He sees you. He sees that you didn't quit. He sees that you didn't stay home. He sees that you just kept showing up and the way that it happens to this woman is now that Jesus sees her, he says, Woman, thou art loosed.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
If he just said women, he'd have freed every woman throughout the whole course of history. That's how potent he is. But he individualized his announcement Woman Thou art loosed. It's a medical term. Literally, it means to take the bandage just off It implies that someone is relaxing their tendons or they're being released from a disease. It's a losing the the bandages are coming off.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
But. But it says that as this is happening and Jesus is pronouncing that she will be loosed. He's also placing his hands on her. And it says that he made her straight it made her straight. All those things that had had her bent over. All those things that had her pressed down all those days. 18 years in oppression.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
In one moment, it changed. You better tell somebody this could be the day. And she she stood. She stood up and it says he made her straight. The word in the Greek for straight is only used two other times in the entire New Testament. One time is in Hebrews chapter 12 verse 12, where it says, therefore, strengthen the hands which hang down and the feeble knees and make straight the paths for your feet so that that which is laying may no longer be dislocated, but rather be healed.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
Oh, he's about to make you straight. Everything that's been hanging down and low. And you didn't feel like lifting your hands in praise and you didn't feel like lifting your hands and worship. He's got one more word for you. Acts Chapter 1516. And after this I will return and I will make straight or rebuild the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
I will make straight. I will rebuild its ruins. I will set it up. That word for rebuild is the same word that's used to make street and Tabernacle of David was the tabernacle that God said in the last days he's going to rebuild. Why? Because it's the only tabernacle in the entire Bible that was open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
And God said, I'm going to restore some things so that they can offer worship to me. Come in and go in 24, seven, three, 65. And that's what this woman got. She got a 24 seven, 365. Kind of miracle she'd been bent over, she'd been pressed down. But now she's about to be made straight. And the hands that were hanging low. You know, help on us. All three of you know what I just did, but I dare you just, just hold your hands out in front of you for just a second.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
Father, I ask you, in the name of Jesus, that anybody who signs have been low, anybody who has felt as though they would never be able to praise you and worship you as they had in times past, that God, whether the enemy's been sitting on their back for 18 years, 18 months or 18 hours, ask you, Father God, that she would give them the the faith to see the lifting of their hands and that God He would be arrested oration the ability to glorify your name and who you are and what you represent.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
God, I thank you that there is deliverance in this house this morning and somebody is going to be set free from the spirit of infirmity. They will be loosed from weakness. They will be loosed from a feeble mind. God, there are business endeavors that were meant to be for your glory that have been put on hold because somebody fell feeble in their face.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
But God, you're going to straighten them up and they'll no longer be bent over in discouragement. Got somebody was believing for a child to be saved, but the enemy is bent over their faith with discouragement, and now they're not even sure it could ever happen if they wanted to. But God, I thank you. That right now, as we speak, the name of Jesus, that God, you are the one who has borne our infirmities.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
Isaiah 53 that when you went to the cross, you bore our infirmities. It's your father. I know that sanctification can be a process, and there are some things that you unfold over the course of time. But I thank you that God is as according to our faith, so be it unto us. And got somebody face today is going to see today be the day feeble they may have arrived weak they may have walked in bent over they may have set in this building up to this point but God, you're about to make it straight or let it be done.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
In Jesus name, in Jesus name, 2012 was sitting in a meeting and something came apart. In my gut, I didn't know that as I left that meeting that ultimately was beginning a pathway towards five surgeries and two and a half years. I didn't know that I was about to lose over £90 and sit with multiple surgeons, two of which were considered to be the best in the nation.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
One was described the best in the nation east of the Mississippi River and the other one was literally described as the best in the nation west of the Mississippi River. Both of those doctors told me the same thing. They said, if we could fix your head, we could fix your gut. You see what had happened is oppression had set in I felt like I couldn't lead what I was trying to lead.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
I felt like I couldn't manage the debt that we had acquired in order to expand, etc. I felt like that there was people that absolutely hated me and that they were going to see to it that I would never be able to do whatever it was that God was calling me to do. And it started to weigh on me.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
It would weigh on me to the point I would preach on a Sunday morning, and by Sunday afternoon at 3:00, my head would be in my wife's lap and I would be begging God to never have to do it again. It's true story. I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat saying Oh no, I've offended this person.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
Oh no, I said that. Now this one's going to be upset. And I, in my gut came apart and what doctors were trying to tell me is that if they they could fix the tears physically, if I could get my mind to settle down long enough to stop ripping it all open again with internal anxiety, I'd been in the bed for about seven weeks at one point my dad and Pastor Kirk came to see me.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
They prayed for me it's the first time in my life I saw fear in my father's eyes.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
They scared me to death. And when he left, I wept because I thought, surely to God I'm dying. It's that man is afraid it was later that night, if I'm not mistaken, my dad came back he brought a CD I said, Dad, I don't even have a CD player. What's that? I said, I want you to find something and I want you to play it. What is it? It's the word of God. It's scriptures that testify of God's promises to heal you. And the one thing that's not going to happen is you are not going to let God take you away at the enemy take you away from God's Word. You're going to position yourself in a place with God's word. Yeah, well, I can eat R.C. Cola in Mumbai because in June of 20, 15, I walked out of the Mayo Clinic with a clean bill of health, totally but you need to know this part. And I probably should have told you this first as I was coming into a place of trying to figure out how I was ever going to be free.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
And as the Word of God was becoming the background of my life again, a fresh and a new. I got a call from a prayer warrior that I really respected. And he said to me, Eric, I was praying for you this morning, and I saw the enemy take his claws and stick them into your gut. And start tearing and binding you but he said then, as we continued to pray, I saw the Lord show up, and he simply said, Lucy and let him go.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
And I can't tell you what it did for my faith, but I can tell you I'm healed today. I've been set free, and I believe God wants to do the same thing in your life. Just keep showing up. Just keep putting yourself in the position of God's Word. I know you don't understand. I know you can't make sense of it.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
For some of you, it's grief that's sitting on your shoulders.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
But I need somebody to lift their hands and go to find the King of Kings or the Lord of Lords. You Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, I dare you to say his name for just a minute. Come on, somebody say Jesus, Jesus.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
Jesus. He sees your condition. He sees your issue, he sees your problem, and he knows once and for all that he don't have to leave here the way you came in. Jesus name. I want you to testify one more time to somebody. This could be the day.
Pastor Eric Gilbert
To testify to somebody. This could be the day. Come on, tell somebody else. This could be the day that Jesus. Come on over this through worship Jesus was loose some let him go to Jesus say.