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People of the Bible: Elisha

Who was Elisha? 2 Kings 2-9

Elisha was the prophet that took over in the nation of Israel after Elijah was taken up into heaven. Elisha helped serve Elijah for about 7-8 years, during this time Elisha saw some amazing things and learned what it meant to know God and to be a prophet. When Elijah was getting ready to be taken into heaven, he asked Elisha what he could do for him. Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit and it was granted to him. Elisha was a great prophet who performed several miracles. We read about these miracles in the book of 2 Kings. Here are just a few:

  • Elisha purifies the toxic water

  • Elisha multiplies oil for a widow

  • A Shunammite woman and husband give Elisha a room to rest; God grants her a son; son suddenly becomes sick in the fields and dies; God uses Elisha to resurrect the boy

  • During a famine, men in Gilgal accidentally use poisonous gourds in a soup; Elisha purifies the food for the hungry

  • Elisha shared bread and fed 100 men

  • Elisha cleans Naaman of Leprosy

  • Elisha anoints Jehu as King of Israel, and Jehu ends Joram (current king) and Jezebel Even after Elisha’s death, a dead body was healed after it touched his bones. Elisha was filled with God’s spirit and brought happiness to many people through his miracles of healing and restoration. We see that Elisha brought great happiness to people’s lives but it was temporary. Elisha’s name in Hebrew means “God is salvation”. During the time of his ministry, we see that God did not prevent all bad things from happening but he required people to have faith and put their trust in Him. The same is true today, bad things still happen, but we can put our trust in Jesus who is our once and for all salvation. We also see that Elisha did many great works, but it wasn’t by his works or might but by the power of the Lord. When you obey and surrender as Elisha did in 2 Kings, God too can work in and through you. He can use you to do great things on his earth. Again, not by your might but by the Lord’s power. Say yes to the Lord and have faith that you can do all things with God! (Matthew 19:26).

Parents, 3treesKIDS will also be learning about Elisha this Sunday, both in-person and online.

Be sure to check out their lesson at To find service times and locations, visit


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