Jordan Burkhardt

Feb 17, 20223 min

How to Have a Meaningful Connection in Your Marriage and Family

We love because God first loved us. 1 John 4:19

Relationships are meant to be a reflection of our relationship with Christ. Therefore, we do not have to look any further than to Jesus as the source and guide for all our relationships.

God has a pattern for learning relationships. You primarily learn them, healthy or otherwise, in your family of origin.

So, here’s a question - -

How did your family do growing up? What grade would you give the family you grew up in?

The family cycle starts over with each of us, from singleness to marriage to parenting. Without reflection, intentionality, and attentiveness to the scripture, we are likely to replicate the same relationship mistakes our families made when we were growing up. But with Jesus, we can avoid making the mistakes our family made, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can be empowered to be better than our family origin!

As we study scripture, we find relationship truths that we can learn from the time we are single to the time we have children of our own. These truths, if applied, can change our relationships forever!


The question that is asked most often by young adults is, “Does God have someone picked out from me to marry, and if so, how do I know?”

Matthew 6:33 says, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”

If you are ignorant of God's word, you will be ignorant of God’s will.

In this season of your life, the most important thing you can do is pray. It’s never too early to pray for your future spouse. God will direct your paths if you put Him first.

A good life filled with satisfying relationships starts with putting God first and surrendering your life to Him. Then, let the scriptures guide your relationships and wait for love.


Marriage is the toughest and the best thing you could ever do. But, it has a way of maturing us. The goal of marriage is intimacy with God and your spouse. A sign that we are maturing as a Christian couple is when our spouse’s needs and interests become as important as our own needs and interests.

Husbands, likewise, dwell with understanding, giving honor to the wife. 1 Peter 3:7a

We must become students of our spouse. Your partner will feel deeply valued when you show empathy towards them. Empathy is what can move marriage from low satisfaction to high satisfaction. You must live with understanding and become an exquisite listener.

Our goal as spouses should not be to see through each other but to see each other through.


We cannot do family well unless we allow the scripture to guide us. Unfortunately, because of sin, all families deal with some level of dysfunction.

God is on a mission through Jesus to invite all of our family into the forever family of God. It is never too late to decide to be the one to pick up the torch and draw God's blessings into your marriage and family. Become the person that sets the tone of your family’s culture.

No matter what stage of life you are in, God desires for us to have meaningful connections with others. So, if you feel like you are struggling in your relationships, I invite you to watch this message by Dr. Terry & Cinda Swan, out of our Meaningful Connections series.


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