Eric Gilbert

Feb 26, 20202 min

An Invitation To The Secret Place

Updated: Feb 28, 2020

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalms‬ ‭91:1‬ NKJV

There is a place that God wants to invite us into, a secret place, a place predicated on complete trust. The good news is EVERYONE has an invitation.


Notice, it’s not a name, title or position. It is just a general statement, implying availability for all. But so few choose to go there that it remains a secret.

Think about it, WE ARE ALL INVITED but it’s still a secret!

So, how do we get there?

The sharing of secrets is all about TRUST. It is the same with God. But in this scenario, it is not so much about God trusting you as it is about you trusting God.

To get to this place of complete trust, this place called “secret” by God Himself, you will not be able to use your own UNDERSTANDING as a crutch to navigate the path. Solomon taught us this truth in Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding…” The implication is that if you are leaning on your own understanding you are not trusting God.

The truth of the matter, when you choose to trust God, you ARE NOT going to understand everything. God never said there wouldn't be a lion. He never said they wouldn't be a snake. He never said there wouldn't be pestilence. He just said that when 1,000 falls at your left hand and 10,000 falls at your right hand because you are in the secret place, you'll still stand. And so, when pestilence is breaking out and plague is covering the earth, we all start struggling to understand... But, God never said that someone wouldn't fall... He just said you had the opportunity to stand if you would keep trusting him.

Make the declaration, “Lord, even if I don’t understand this season, I am going to keep trusting You. Even if my pencil and my calculator can’t make it all come together, I’m going to keep trusting You. Even when medical professionals can’t help me understand this battle, I am going to keep trusting You. Even if..............."

The secret place… Everyone has an invitation and TRUST is what gets you in. Let’s go!